Posted by MILIJANA on 1st May 2019
In meditation today I got a clearer understanding of what Love is, It is not a feeling nor a power it is a force that has to be harnessed. It is the glue that holds the whole universe together and it is latent in each and every one of us. It is at the base of man. It is so huge and powerful it is an atomic reaction that affects our whole being.
Not new ideas but I understood and saw them in a new way.
And I understood how it is that when we harness that Love that it transforms our reality.
Doesn't matter what we try on the outside to transform our lives to what we want it is the freeing up of this Love in us that creates all good in our lives. Automatically. There is nothing to be done. It's a natural outpouring of itself. A natural byproduct of touching our Source.
I also understood that most importantly it gushes out but we have valves that shut it off. And it is so scary and powerful this Love that the valves serve a very valuable purpose in keeping it under control. I also understood that there are certain triggers that shut them. And there are certain catalysts that help open them. That some are shut tight and some are loose and some that leak sparingly and some that at times, open fully. And that is when we experience our true Reality.
Andhra Pradesh, India, 2/19/08